High-tech jobs in Austin have been growing at nearly double the metro’s average job growth for several years. Despite a global pandemic, it appears that nothing can slow Austin’s technology sector growth. More and more companies require highly skilled tech talent to implement complex procedures and business practices.

There are more than 7,700 high-tech employers based in Austin today including companies like Apple, Dell, TxDOT, and PPD all call Austin home. There are many choices when choosing a career path in the technology sector; however, some positions are in more demand than others. Here are the top 5 technology jobs in Austin.

Software Developer

Software Developers analyze user needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs. This particular field of work is almost always needed and those who choose this career path typically have no challenges finding work. These developers typically have a bachelor’s degree, typically in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. They require a specialized set of skills; however, are compensated quite well with an average salary around $105,000 annually.

App Developer

With the demand for digital apps, it is no surprise that App Developers rank high on the list. App Developers are computer software engineers whose primary responsibilities include creating, testing, and programming apps for computers, mobile phones, and tablets. These individuals typically work in team and think of ideas and concepts to meet specific customer needs. Most developers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science and are experts in programming languages such as Java and Oracle. App Developers in Austin can easily command salaries north of $93,000 per year.

Computer Systems Engineer

Computer Systems Engineers develop, test, and evaluate software and personal computers by combining their knowledge of engineering, computer science, and match analysis. They seek to understand how technology fits into the larger scheme of the organization’s needs. A computer systems engineer typically is required to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or computer engineering with complex courses in microprocessors, data transmission, calculus, engineering, and physics. The average salary for computer systems engineers is around $90,000 annually.

Information Security Analyst

With the rise of cyberattacks, Information Security Analysts have continually expanded their responsibilities. Some include installing software, such as firewalls, to protect computer networks. A career in this field involves planning and carrying out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks. Typically a bachelor’s degree is required along with some experience as a systems administrator to break into this job. The salary is nothing to complain about, however, with the average analyst earning around $86,000 per year.

Information Technology Project Manager

IT Project Managers plan and manage IT projects at every phase, including defining project goals, determining systems and technology needed, creating detailed schedules, building budgets, identifying staffing needs, and hiring and managing project staff. A bachelor’s degree is typically required to hold this role and many organizations require a graduate degree as well. The compensation is rewarding with many project managers earning around $100,000 per year.

Austin’s Fastest Way to Recruit Top Tech And IT Talent

At Providence Partners, we understand the unique challenges and frustrations associated with finding quality IT talent. For over a decade, we’ve been servicing the Austin & DFW business community and we’ve assisted 100’s of companies stay ahead of the talent curve. If you’re in need of IT talent, stop losing time, money, and sleepover not having the right key players, and contact us!