Without sounding like an alarmist, it’s important for businesses to understand that warfare and corruption is moving from a physical landscape into the meta-landscape of the cyber world. You may feel your business is not vulnerable because you have no external enemies and do not offer a product or service that holds much contention in the marketplace. The hard truth is that many only and malicious attacks are executed at random and not always specifically targeted. Many malware or cyber threats come from 3rd parties just testing the waters of what’s possible in the laboratory of cyber destruction.

Sound too dystopian? It doesn’t have to be. Great strides have been made in the cyber-security marketplace over the last few years. Regardless of the size of your business, you now have access to cybersecurity services which used to cost business hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. As cybersecurity becomes ubiquitous through managed security services, businesses of any size can safeguard against cyber threats in an easy and affordable manner which makes sense for their current level of growth and external/internal risk.

What are Managed Security Services?

In computing, managed security services (MSS) are network security services that have been outsourced to a service provider. A company providing such a service is a managed security service provider (MSSP) The roots of MSSPs are in the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the mid to late 1990’s. Initially, ISP(s) would sell customers a firewall appliance, as customer premises equipment (CPE), and for an additional fee would manage the customer-owned firewall over a dial-up connection.

According to recent industry research, most organizations (74%) manage IT security in-house, but 82% of IT professionals said they have either already partnered with, or plan to partner with, a managed security service provider.

Finding the Right Managed Security Service Provider in Texas

Of course, when it comes to the security of your business’s most critical systems and data storage, plus the private information of your customers, it can be a difficult choice to understand the managed security service marketplace and which companies are truly offering a level of security that can provide peace of mind.

At Providence Partners, we’ve been helping businesses in Texas and beyond address their cyber-security issues for decades. We’ve literally helped create the cyber-security marketplace and seen it grow and develop from its inception. We understand all of the questions which an organization needs to ask internally to properly assess their level of risk and then the managed security services which provide solutions and safeguards to those risks.

If you’re interested in learning more about all of the variations of managed security services available and how your business can safeguard against cyber threats, just fill out a few questions and we’ll be in touch soon.