Data Engineering Jobs Are Hot In Austin, TX

Audio transcript may not be 100% accurate: If you have domain expertise as a #dataengineer, where should you be looking in texas? #Austin is the number two highest paid marketplace for data engineering skills. First place, believe it or not, is plano, tx north of dallas. Third is midland, tx heavy in the oil and gas base. It’s gonna be really tough to beat austin, texas, for the cool vibe that we’ve got here and then, pay wise median salary is $131,000 a year for a good data engineer. What’s also really interesting about the austin market is as of today, january 28th, there’s over 3000 #jobs listed for data engineering folks right now. So huge, huge demand for that skill set here in austin, tx we’ve got a handful of clients that we’d love to introduce you to. Please give us a call at providence partners. Fastest way to find an IT or tech job here in austin, tx